A to Z of Wellbeing: B is for Balance

Stuart & Seena Haines
Oct 3, 2023

B is for Balance

When we feel balanced, we feel calm, grounded, and clearheaded. But I think it's safe to say that it's challenging to feel in balanced when there are so many important domains in our lives.

Achieving balance in your life is less about the quantity of time spent but rather the quality of the time.

And if you want to learn more about how to live a "balanced" life, I highly recommend Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman.

The essential premise of Four Thousand Weeks is that an average person lives for only four thousand weeks. All of human history has taken approximately 310,000 weeks. We are but a blip, and knowing this, Burkeman asks the reader, how will you get everything done?

You don’t. Plain and simple.

The key, Burkeman states, is not eschewing stuff you don’t want to do in favor of what you do want to do but choosing what matters most at that moment ... from among all the things you do want to do.